Buying, Selling XertiNet live on PancakeSwap

Buying, Selling XertiNet live on PancakeSwap

Today the XertiNet Team announces we have added USD 10k liquidity to XertiNet on PancakeSwap (BSC). Full details are further down in this post, but if you are interested in buying or selling XertiNet on BSC you can do so on this pool trading pair: XERT/BUSD. (Please review the details below before trading.)

In addition to kicking off BSC trading, we are also launching a liquidity program that will allow early holders to earn rewards from trading activity. We call this the PancakeSwap Liquidity Program. It is designed to do three things:

  • Provide cheaper options to buy, sell and stack XertiNet
  • Transfer income-earning opportunities to community members
  • Support the BSC ecosystem

Participation Details
The trading pair is BUSD/XERT. (View detail Info)

The BEP20 XERT token contract is: 0x529A1468a91fa4eE0D65EE2B4b66fE4F6A55154F created by the anyswap bridge. Be sure to confirm this contract address before trading. We will follow up with relevant providers such as Pancake Swap and coin-market cap to get appropriate branding applied. 

A price chart and trading history is available on Dex Tools

Xertinet Token (XERT)

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Audit Certificate 

For technical details and an in-depth overview of the audit process, please visit BlockSAFU's website at

XT.COM Announcement on Launching XERT (XertiNet Token)